Establishing Structures Abroad

terratalent is excellently networked in countries with a surplus talent pool.

When identifying the right skilled workers, many factors must be considered. In Africa and Asia, there are already agreements at the government level with Germany for the recruitment of skilled workers. The Federal Employment Agency, through its international arm ZAV, is also active in some regions. Recognition and visa procedures play a role here, so such activities are helpful. At the same time, job opportunities with German companies in these regions are entirely unknown. Many local actors do not have direct access to the German labour market. 

terratalent bridges the gap between German employers and these talent pools to attract them toward the local labour market. terratalent works for successful recruitment with local partners, organises trips on-site to initiate cooperation between companies, municipalities, and associations with local actors. The goal is to establish partnerships that raise the qualification level beforehand and create opportunities for skilled workers with international career aspirations. 


Your Concern
identifying skilled workers in your industry abroad and building a structure to attract and retain new employees
is our passion 



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